Towards 5* linked data#
In the linked-data realm various guide lines exist that drive the user towards a more linked-data friendly approach. The most well known is the 5* linked data approach. This approach is a waterfall model that guides the user towards a more linked-data driven knowledge representation. The two most notable guidelines we address in this chapter are:
5 star linked data#
is a deployment scheme
for linked open data.
These guidelines nicely demonstrate how to open up hidden data by first digitizing it and releasing it with
an explicit (open) license permitting effective reuse and then work towards the standardization of data format and application
of existing concept schemes.
We recommend to read the 5 star linked data website for more information.
FAIR data principles#
An equally important set of guidelines are the FAIR data principles. These principles were drafted almost a decade ago and have since been applied to various resources. The FAIR principles are a set of guidelines that help to make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. Unlike strict metrics that provide specific numerical values as thresholds, FAIR principles act more as guidelines that emphasize certain key goals towards the effectiveness and utility of available data. We recommend to read the intial paper on the FAIR principles
Towards 5* linked data on Agriculture#
During the span of this project we would like develop a similar set of guidelines that help to make agricultural data more FAIR. Thinking inspiration from the above-mentioned 5* deployment scheme for link data we propose the current draft proposal
Package your data for sharing (with permision)
including descriptive metadata
that is machine readable
and uses a standard format (RDF)
and uses a standard concept space (NALT)